Supporting global public health

In the face of the spread of COVID-19 we have been  harnessing Precision Medicine to support institutions worldwide
Trustworthy, practical testing

Mitigating the impact of this pandemic demands well-thought-out SARS-CoV-2 testing. Cabanillas Precision Consulting is helping institutions to understand the limitations of different molecular tests for COVID-19 and choose the best test for the situation. Our guidance lets institutions select the appropriate testing platform, resulting in more meaningful diagnoses.

Dr. Cabanillas is also advising companies on the accelerated development and implementation of high-throughput viral testing facilities, ensuring the use of the correct technologies and appropriate protocols.

Exploring the impact of genetics

Dr. Cabanillas is guiding the development of genomic banks, which researchers use to investigate how genetic make-up affects susceptibility to COVID-19. Designed to hold clinical data and DNA from thousands of people with and without the novel coronavirus, these biobanks are fundamental for testing genomic-based theories about why some patients develop serious complications from COVID-19 and others do not.

The ability to quickly test hypotheses about which genes or conditions contribute to the expression of the novel coronavirus hints at the usefulness of Precision Medicine in public health contexts and its potential for contributing to community health initiatives. 

Practical biosafety and biosecurity measures

Based on deep experience with cross-departmental interactions and strong procedural knowledge, Dr. Cabanillas has been tapped to develop actionable methods to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. His recommendations for protocols and security measures allow institutions to maintain safe working environments and reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus.

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